How do you register to DriverMax ?

There are two possibilities to register to DriverMax:

First Option (recommended, automatic registration)

1. Open the DriverMax application then go to the Home screen (click the upper Home button);

2. Use your mouse to select the code that you received by email after purchasing DriverMax;

3. Right click on the selection and choose “Copy”. DriverMax will automatically fetch the code and start the registration procedure.
copy and paste example

Second Option (manual registration)

1. In DriverMax and go to Settings(1) and click My account(2)
drivermax instruction 1
2. Click on Register(3)
drivermax instruction 2
3. Click on Next(4)
drivermax instruction 3
4. Click on Enter registration code(5)
drivermax instruction 4
5. Copy and paste the registration code that you received by email, after purchasing(6)
drivermax instruction 5