Waiver of Responsibility

DriverMax cannot display the EULA for this item automatically. It is very important and recommended that you read the EULA of the driver before installing it.

By installing this driver you are responsible for finding the driver's EULA, reading it and accepting it. By installing the driver, you certify that you have searched the net for it, read it and accepted the driver's own EULA or license.

The act of using DriverMax to install drivers constitutes acceptance of the license (EULA) for those drivers or executables that are brought to your computer as a result of using DriverMax. This acceptance occurs whether you know the license terms or not. It is suggested that you read and understand the license terms of any driver you plan to install prior to installation through DriverMax. If you do not accept the license of a driver you are installing, please uninstall it and any artifacts that end up on your machine as a result of the install.